Security Group
For Uptime Kuma, you need to open the port 3001 and 22, for that create the following security group:
openstack security group create --description "Uptime Kuma (3001)" Uptime-Kuma
openstack security group rule create --dst-port 3001 --protocol TCP Uptime-Kuma
openstack security group rule create --dst-port 22 --protocol TCP Uptime-Kuma
For Uptime Kuma, you need to open the port 3001 and 22, for that create the following security group.
Go to Network
> Security Groups
and click on Create Security Group
Name your security group:
Add the rule for port 22:
Add the rule for port 3001:
You can create the instance with the following command:
openstack server create --image "Debian 11 bullseye" --flavor a1-ram2-disk20-perf1 --security-group "Uptime-Kuma" --network ext-net1 Uptime-Kuma
Check the status of the instance and retrieve the IP address with:
openstack server show Uptime-Kuma
Go to Compute
> Instances
and click on Launch Instance
Name your instance:
In the Source
tab, select a Debian image:
In the Flavor
tab, select flavor a1-ram2-disk20-perf1
In the Networks
tab, select network ext-net1
In the Security Groups
tab, select the previously created security group:
In the Key Pair
tab, select your keypair and click on Launch Instance