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This section offers a comprehensive guide to the actions involved in the creation, management, and maintenance of your instances. Whether you are deploying your first GNU/Linux or Windows instance, managing their lifecycle, or modifying resources, the following instructions and best practices will help you navigate the process effectively.

  •   Create your first GNU/Linux instance

    Have you set up your Infomaniak Public Cloud project and sourced your credentials? You're now ready to launch your first GNU/Linux instance!

  •   Create your first Microsoft Windows instance

    With your Infomaniak Public Cloud project configured and credentials sourced, you can now create your first Microsoft Windows instance!

  •   Instance Creation and Deletion

    Learn the complete process for creating and deleting OpenStack instances. This guide covers selecting an image, flavor, and keypair, troubleshooting issues such as invalid credentials or quota limits, and the steps to either permanently delete an instance or suspend and snapshot it for later use.

  •   Lifecycle Management and Rescue

    Manage your instances throughout their lifecycle with OpenStack's robust toolset. While most features are available, certain tools may not yet be fully implemented in Infomaniak. This section provides a high-level overview and guidance for handling instance rescue and recovery operations.

  •   Flavors

    Virtual machine flavors allow you to select the optimal size and configuration for your virtual machine. Learn how to choose the right flavor based on your resource needs.

  •   Resources Modification

    Learn how to modify an instance's flavor, such as adding more memory or vCPUs, using the resize operation. This offline process allows you to choose a new flavor, during which the instance is shut down, reconfigured with the updated properties, and then rebooted. Depending on the instance size, the operation may take several minutes to complete.

  •   Advanced Usage

    Discover more advanced features, to tailor your instances to your exact needs.