This section of Infomaniak's documentation offers essential guidance on setting up, managing, and optimizing cloud instances. It covers key topics such as instance creation, resource management, and advanced configurations like lifecycle management and high availability. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, you'll find valuable insights and resources to enhance your cloud computing experience.
Have you set up your Infomaniak Public Cloud project and sourced your credentials?
You're now ready to launch your first GNU/Linux instance! -
With your Infomaniak Public Cloud project configured and credentials sourced, you can now create your first Microsoft Windows instance!
Learn the complete process for creating and deleting OpenStack instances. This guide covers selecting an image, flavor, and keypair, troubleshooting issues such as invalid credentials or quota limits, and the steps to either permanently delete an instance or suspend and snapshot it for later use.
An availability zone is a way in which the user can specify a particular “location” in which a host should boot. The most common usage for availability zones is to group together servers in terms of availability but other features could be external network connectivity or redundant power. When a nova boot command is issued, an --availability-zone can be provided to specify which zone to start the VM in.