In Infomaniak’s ext-net1 network, each VM receives both a public IPv4 (which incurs charges) and a public IPv6 (free of charge). This setup ensures seamless connectivity, whether the destination network or service uses IPv4 or IPv6.
The network manages the physical attributes (vlan, vxlan...) while the subnet manages the IP addresses (Pool range, dhcp...). Infomaniak provides ready to use public networks that you can choose to boot your VM. You can also create your own private network or use allocation pools.
Create and assign a Floating IP
Floating IPs are not automatically allocated to instances by default; they need to be attached manually. A Floating IP (FIP) is an additional public IP address associated with an instance. The VM instance itself is unaware of this FIP, and it won't be visible in the network interfaces. Connectivity is achieved via NAT rules, which manage the routing from the internet to the VM and vice versa.