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Once created check the public IP to create a DNS record with your domain.

In the example below it is:

$ openstack stack show wordpress-ha --fit-width
| Field                 | Value                                                                                                                               |
| id                    | 3e556126-ee3d-420f-b660-a1a9595387e8                                                                                                |
| stack_name            | Wordpress-ha                                                                                                                        |
| description           | wordpress-ha                                                                                                                        |
| creation_time         | 2021-08-16T07:26:50Z                                                                                                                |
| updated_time          | None                                                                                                                                |
| stack_status          | CREATE_COMPLETE                                                                                                                     |
| stack_status_reason   | Stack CREATE completed successfully                                                                                                 |
| parameters            | OS::project_id: 0ee6dc5442204fb88c1137414ce32b91                                                                                    |
|                       | OS::stack_id: 3e556126-ee3d-420f-b660-a1a9595387e8                                                                                  |
|                       | OS::stack_name: Wordpress-ha                                                                                                        |
|                       | database_flavor: a2-ram4-disk20-perf1                                                                                               |
|                       | database_name: wordpress                                                                                                            |
|                       | database_user: wordpress                                                                                                            |
|                       | email: <your_email>                                                                                                                 |
|                       | flavor: a1-ram2-disk20-perf1                                                                                                        |
|                       | floating_network_id: ext-floating1                                                                                                  |
|                       | image: 2247f567-f45e-4b17-a4c9-6b528c30db2d                                                                                         |
|                       | key: <your_key>                                                                                                                     |
|                       | network: my-wordpress-network-2                                                                                                     |
|                       | sftp_user: www-data                                                                                                                 |
|                       | stockage_flavor: a1-ram2-disk80-perf1                                                                                               |
|                       | subnet_id: my-wordpress-subnet-2                                                                                                    |
|                       | website_url: <your_url>                                                                                                             |
|                       |                                                                                                                                     |
| outputs               | - description: 'This public URL and IP that can be used to access the wordpress site.                                               |
|                       |                                                                                                                                     |
|                       |     '                                                                                                                               |
|                       |   output_key: website_url                                                                                                           |
|                       |   output_value: <your_url>                                                                                                          |
|                       | - description: 'This password can be used to access the database.                                                                   |
|                       |                                                                                                                                     |
|                       |     '                                                                                                                               |
|                       |   output_key: database_password                                                                                                     |
|                       |   output_value: 'Database password : BpZVOAwGVofxJ7KmuGUvhzdxjsvr3TC3'                                                              |
|                       | - description: 'Redirect you domain to this ip.                                                                                     |
|                       |                                                                                                                                     |
|                       |     '                                                                                                                               |
|                       |   output_key: website_ip                                                                                                            |
|                       |   output_value:                                                                                                       |
|                       | - description: This password can be used to access the database as root.                                                            |
|                       |   output_key: database_root_password                                                                                                |
|                       |   output_value: 'Database root password : 2JyqMT3uDDft3157NFRsXLyY5cVcBsm4'                                                         |
|                       | - description: 'This user can be used to access the stockage with SFTP.                                                             |
|                       |                                                                                                                                     |
|                       |     '                                                                                                                               |
|                       |   output_key: sftp_user                                                                                                             |
|                       |   output_value: 'SFTP user : www-data'                                                                                              |
|                       | - description: 'This password can be used to access the stockage with SFTP.                                                         |
|                       |                                                                                                                                     |
|                       |     '                                                                                                                               |
|                       |   output_key: sftp_password                                                                                                         |
|                       |   output_value: 'SFTP password : IZQHis2OauQGr15EiwPGAgZB3HIPRh9Q'                                                                  |
|                       |                                                                                                                                     |
| links                 | - href: |
|                       |   rel: self                                                                                                                         |
|                       |                                                                                                                                     |
| deletion_time         | None                                                                                                                                |
| notification_topics   | []                                                                                                                                  |
| capabilities          | []                                                                                                                                  |
| disable_rollback      | True                                                                                                                                |
| timeout_mins          | None                                                                                                                                |
| stack_owner           | mickael                                                                                                                             |
| parent                | None                                                                                                                                |
| stack_user_project_id | 27eef136245242848452081d95d89862                                                                                                    |
| tags                  | []                                                                                                                                  |
|                       |                                                                                                                                     |

Connect to the storage node with the debian username and the stack IP and generate a certificat Let's Encrypt :

ssh debian@
sudo /ssl/

Now you can configure WordPress with : https://<your_url>